Unified Sports Basketball Game
Special Education Services
The primary goal of the Student Services Department is to provide support so that all students will be successful in school. The department provides a collaborative approach to support student's academic and personal success through programs and services including special education services, school counseling, psychological testing and evaluation, nursing services, alcohol and other drug prevention, asset building, at risk programming, etc.
The purpose of this website is to provide links to information about Student Services programs and services in the School District of Lodi, contact information for student services professionals, and links to useful resources.
18-21 TRANSITION PROGRAM (click here for brochure)
Diverse learning opportunities for special education students. We teach our 18-21 year old students how to live life while contributing to the community.
Students with special education needs have the opportunity to remain in school until age 21 if it is appropriate for their educational needs.
Once students complete their high school credits, they have the option to continue in the 18-21 Year Old Transition Program.
The goal of the program is help students transition from school services to community- based services, a job or postsecondary education.
Columbia County Resources Guide
Dyslexia Informational Guidebook
Procedural Safeguards - English
Procedural Safeguards - Espanol
Procedural Safeguards - Hmong
Revoking Consent for Services - English Espanol Hmong
contact us
Adria Schroeder
Director of Student Services
608.592.3851 ext. 5486
Andrea Rubino
Student Services Coordinator
Grades Pre-K to 5th grade
608.592.3851 ext. 5485
Nic Franciskovich
Student Services Coordinator
Grades 6 to 12
608.592.3853 ext. 4509
Adaora Bilse
18-21 Transition Coordinator
Ages 18 to 21
608.592.3851 ext. 5440
Kris Karls
Administrative Assistant