Employment Opportunities
Bright Futures Start Here
The School District of Lodi strives to be progressive, innovative, and forward thinking in bringing the best educational experience to develop life long, well rounded learners. Our style reflects this in our casual and positive voice while maintaining our professionalism. The School District of Lodi is seeking highly qualified, motivated, skilled individuals with a passion to education and children to join our district team.
The Lodi School District is now hiring both Certified and Support Staff. We encourage you to review our current employment openings.
Click on the links below to see current vacancies. Applications are submitted through WECAN (Wisconsin Education Career Access Network).
Certified/Professional Vacancies
Support Staff Vacancies
Substitute Teacher & Support Staff Applications
WECAN Application (Substitute Teacher)
WECAN Application (Support Educational Assistant)
Indeed Application (Substitute Teacher)
Indeed Application (Support Educational Assistant)
Questions? Contact Dawn Schwartz at schwada@lodischoolswi.org or 608.592.3851 ext. 5484
contact us
Brent Richter
Business Manager
Dawn Schwartz
Administrative Assistant
608.592.3851 ext. 5484
Title ix
Title IX Coordinator
Adria Schroeder
Director of Student Services
608-592-3851 ext. 5486